author root@rika
Thu, 23 Apr 2009 20:55:41 +0200
changeset 33 7a0c4b0354ba
parent 30 7fd00015f62f
permissions -rw-r--r--
updated documentation
     1 /*
     2  * GraphLCD tool showpic
     3  *
     4  * showpic.c  -  a tool to show image files in GLCD format on a LCD
     5  *
     6  * based on graphlcd plugin 0.1.1 for the Video Disc Recorder
     7  *  (c) 2001-2004 Carsten Siebholz <c.siebholz AT>
     8  *  
     9  * This file is released under the GNU General Public License. Refer
    10  * to the COPYING file distributed with this package.
    11  *
    12  * (c) 2004 Andreas Regel <andreas.regel AT>
    13  */
    15 #include <stdio.h>
    16 #include <string.h>
    17 #include <stdlib.h>
    18 #include <getopt.h>
    19 #include <dlfcn.h>
    20 #include <unistd.h>
    21 #include <syslog.h>
    22 #include <signal.h>
    24 #include <string>
    26 #include <glcdgraphics/bitmap.h>
    27 #include <glcdgraphics/glcd.h>
    28 #include <glcdgraphics/image.h>
    29 #include <glcddrivers/config.h>
    30 #include <glcddrivers/driver.h>
    31 #include <glcddrivers/drivers.h>
    33 static const char *prgname = "showpic";
    34 static const char *version = "0.1.2";
    36 static const int kDefaultSleepMs = 100;
    37 static const char * kDefaultConfigFile = "/etc/graphlcd.conf";
    39 static volatile bool stopProgramm = false;
    41 static void sighandler(int signal)
    42 {
    43 	switch (signal)
    44 	{
    45 		case SIGINT:
    46 		case SIGQUIT:
    47 		case SIGTERM:
    48 			stopProgramm = true;
    49 	}
    50 }
    52 void usage()
    53 {
    54 	fprintf(stdout, "\n");
    55 	fprintf(stdout, "%s v%s\n", prgname, version);
    56 	fprintf(stdout, "%s is a tool to show an image on a LCD.\n", prgname);
    57 	fprintf(stdout, "The image must be in a special format (*.glcd).\n");
    58 	fprintf(stdout, "You can create such images with the convpic tool.\n\n");
    59 	fprintf(stdout, "  Usage: %s [-c CONFIGFILE] [-d DISPLAY] [-s SLEEP] [-uie] file [more files]\n\n", prgname);
    60 	fprintf(stdout, "  -c  --config      specifies the location of the config file\n");
    61 	fprintf(stdout, "                    (default: /etc/graphlcd.conf)\n");
    62 	fprintf(stdout, "  -d  --display     specifies the output display (default is the first one)\n");
    63 	fprintf(stdout, "  -u  --upsidedown  rotates the output by 180 degrees (default: no)\n");
    64 	fprintf(stdout, "  -i  --invert      inverts the output (default: no)\n");
    65 	fprintf(stdout, "  -e  --endless     show all images in endless loop (default: no)\n");
    66 	fprintf(stdout, "  -s  --sleep       set sleeptime between two images [ms] (default: %d ms)\n", kDefaultSleepMs);
    67 	fprintf(stdout, "  -b  --brightness  set brightness for display if driver support it [%%]\n");
    68 	fprintf(stdout, "                    (default: config file value)\n");
    69 	fprintf(stdout, "\n" );
    70 	fprintf(stdout, "  examples: %s -c /etc/graphlcd.conf vdr-logo.glcd\n", prgname);
    71 	fprintf(stdout, "            %s -c /etc/graphlcd.conf -d LCD_T6963 -u -i vdr-logo.glcd\n", prgname);
    72 	fprintf(stdout, "\n" );
    73 }
    75 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    76 {
    77 	static struct option long_options[] =
    78 	{
    79 		{"config",     required_argument, NULL, 'c'},
    80 		{"display",    required_argument, NULL, 'd'},
    81 		{"sleep",      required_argument, NULL, 's'},
    82 		{"endless",          no_argument, NULL, 'e'},
    83 		{"upsidedown",       no_argument, NULL, 'u'},
    84 		{"invert",           no_argument, NULL, 'i'},
    85 		{"brightness", required_argument, NULL, 'b'},
    86 		{NULL}
    87 	};
    89 	std::string configName = "";
    90 	std::string displayName = "";
    91 	bool upsideDown = false;
    92 	bool invert = false;
    93 	int brightness = -1;
    94 	bool delay = false;
    95 	int sleepMs = 100;
    96 	bool endless = false;
    97 	unsigned int displayNumber = 0;
    99 	int c, option_index = 0;
   100 	while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "c:d:s:euib:", long_options, &option_index)) != -1)
   101 	{
   102 		switch(c)
   103 		{
   104 			case 'c':
   105 				configName = optarg;
   106 				break;
   108 			case 'd':
   109 				displayName = optarg;
   110 				break;
   112 			case 'u':
   113 				upsideDown = true;
   114 				break;
   116 			case 'i':
   117 				invert = true;
   118 				break;
   120 			case 's':
   121 				sleepMs = atoi(optarg);
   122 				delay = true;
   123 				break;
   125 			case 'e':
   126 				endless = true;
   127 				break;
   129 			case 'b':
   130 				brightness = atoi(optarg);
   131 				if (brightness < 0) brightness = 0;
   132 				if (brightness > 100) brightness = 100;
   133 				break;
   135 			default:
   136 				usage();
   137 				return 1;
   138 		}
   139 	}
   141 	if (configName.length() == 0)
   142 	{
   143 		configName = kDefaultConfigFile;
   144 		syslog(LOG_INFO, "Error: No config file specified, using default (%s).\n", configName.c_str());
   145 	}
   147 	if (GLCD::Config.Load(configName) == false)
   148 	{
   149 		fprintf(stdout, "Error loading config file!\n");
   150 		return 2;
   151 	}
   152 	if (GLCD::Config.driverConfigs.size() > 0)
   153 	{
   154 		if (displayName.length() > 0)
   155 		{
   156 			for (displayNumber = 0; displayNumber < GLCD::Config.driverConfigs.size(); displayNumber++)
   157 			{
   158 				if (GLCD::Config.driverConfigs[displayNumber].name == displayName)
   159 					break;
   160 			}
   161 			if (displayNumber == GLCD::Config.driverConfigs.size())
   162 			{
   163 				fprintf(stdout, "ERROR: Specified display %s not found in config file!\n", displayName.c_str());
   164 				return 3;
   165 			}
   166 		}
   167 		else
   168 		{
   169 			fprintf(stdout, "WARNING: No display specified, using first one.\n");
   170 			displayNumber = 0;
   171 		}
   172 	}
   173 	else
   174 	{
   175 		fprintf(stdout, "ERROR: No displays specified in config file!\n");
   176 		return 4;
   177 	}
   179 	if (optind == argc)
   180 	{
   181 		usage();
   182 		fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: You have to specify the image\n");
   183 		return 5;
   184 	}
   186 	GLCD::Config.driverConfigs[displayNumber].upsideDown ^= upsideDown;
   187 	GLCD::Config.driverConfigs[displayNumber].invert ^= invert;
   188 	if (brightness != -1)
   189 		GLCD::Config.driverConfigs[displayNumber].brightness = brightness;
   190 	GLCD::cDriver * lcd = GLCD::CreateDriver(GLCD::Config.driverConfigs[displayNumber].id, &GLCD::Config.driverConfigs[displayNumber]);
   191 	if (!lcd)
   192 	{
   193 		fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed creating display object %s\n", displayName.c_str());
   194 		return 6;
   195 	}
   196 	if (lcd->Init() != 0)
   197 	{
   198 		fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed initializing display %s\n", displayName.c_str());
   199 		delete lcd;
   200 		return 7;
   201 	}
   202 	lcd->SetBrightness(GLCD::Config.driverConfigs[displayNumber].brightness);
   203 	printf("keys = %d\n",lcd->GetKey());
   205 	signal(SIGINT, sighandler);
   206 	signal(SIGQUIT, sighandler);
   207 	signal(SIGTERM, sighandler);
   208 	signal(SIGHUP, sighandler);
   210 	const GLCD::cBitmap * bitmap;
   211 	GLCD::cImage image;
   212 	GLCD::cGLCDFile glcd;
   213 	int optFile;
   214 	std::string picFile;
   216 	optFile = optind;
   217 	while (optFile < argc && !stopProgramm)
   218 	{
   219 		picFile = argv[optFile++];
   220 		if (glcd.Load(image, picFile) == false)
   221 		{
   222 			fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Failed loading file %s\n", picFile.c_str());
   223 			return 8;
   224 		}
   226 		if (delay)
   227 			image.SetDelay(sleepMs);
   229 		while ((bitmap = image.GetBitmap()) != NULL && !stopProgramm)
   230 		{
   231 			lcd->SetScreen(bitmap->Data(), bitmap->Width(), bitmap->Height(), bitmap->LineSize());
   232 			printf("keys = %d\n",lcd->GetKey());
   233 			lcd->Refresh(true);
   235 			if (image.Next(0)) // Select next image
   236 			{
   237 				usleep(image.Delay() * 1000);
   238 			}
   239 			else if (endless && argc == (optind + 1)) // Endless and one and only image
   240 			{
   241 				image.First(0);
   242 				usleep(image.Delay() * 1000);
   243 			}
   244 			else 
   245 				break;
   246 		}
   248 		if (optFile < argc || endless)
   249 			usleep(sleepMs * 1000);
   250 		if (optFile >= argc && endless)
   251 			optFile = optind;
   252 	}
   254 	lcd->DeInit();
   255 	delete lcd;
   257 	return 0;
   258 }