changeset 2 2f55e5dd591d
     1.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/firmware/usbdsc.c	Tue Jan 29 22:31:52 2008 +0100
     1.3 @@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
     1.4 +/*********************************************************************
     1.5 + *
     1.6 + *                Microchip USB C18 Firmware Version 1.0
     1.7 + *
     1.8 + *********************************************************************
     1.9 + * FileName:        usbdsc.c
    1.10 + * Dependencies:    See INCLUDES section below
    1.11 + * Processor:       PIC18
    1.12 + * Compiler:        C18 2.30.01+
    1.13 + * Company:         Microchip Technology, Inc.
    1.14 + *
    1.15 + * Software License Agreement
    1.16 + *
    1.17 + * The software supplied herewith by Microchip Technology Incorporated
    1.18 + * (the “Company”) for its PICmicro® Microcontroller is intended and
    1.19 + * supplied to you, the Company’s customer, for use solely and
    1.20 + * exclusively on Microchip PICmicro Microcontroller products. The
    1.21 + * software is owned by the Company and/or its supplier, and is
    1.22 + * protected under applicable copyright laws. All rights are reserved.
    1.23 + * Any use in violation of the foregoing restrictions may subject the
    1.24 + * user to criminal sanctions under applicable laws, as well as to
    1.25 + * civil liability for the breach of the terms and conditions of this
    1.26 + * license.
    1.27 + *
    1.34 + *
    1.35 + ********************************************************************/
    1.36 +
    1.37 +/*********************************************************************
    1.38 + * -usbdsc.c-
    1.39 + * This file contains the USB descriptor information. It is used
    1.40 + * in conjunction with the usbdsc.h file. When a descriptor is added
    1.41 + * or removed from the main configuration descriptor, i.e. CFG01,
    1.42 + * the user must also change the descriptor structure defined in
    1.43 + * the usbdsc.h file. The structure is used to calculate the 
    1.44 + * descriptor size, i.e. sizeof(CFG01).
    1.45 + * 
    1.46 + * A typical configuration descriptor consists of:
    1.47 + * At least one configuration descriptor (USB_CFG_DSC)
    1.48 + * One or more interface descriptors (USB_INTF_DSC)
    1.49 + * One or more endpoint descriptors (USB_EP_DSC)
    1.50 + *
    1.51 + * Naming Convention:
    1.52 + * To resolve ambiguity, the naming convention are as followed:
    1.53 + * - USB_CFG_DSC type should be named cdxx, where xx is the
    1.54 + *   configuration number. This number should match the actual
    1.55 + *   index value of this configuration.
    1.56 + * - USB_INTF_DSC type should be named i<yy>a<zz>, where yy is the
    1.57 + *   interface number and zz is the alternate interface number.
    1.58 + * - USB_EP_DSC type should be named ep<##><d>_i<yy>a<zz>, where
    1.59 + *   ## is the endpoint number and d is the direction of transfer.
    1.60 + *   The interface name should also be listed as a suffix to identify
    1.61 + *   which interface does the endpoint belong to.
    1.62 + *
    1.63 + * Example:
    1.64 + * If a device has one configuration, two interfaces; interface 0
    1.65 + * has two endpoints (in and out), and interface 1 has one endpoint(in).
    1.66 + * Then the CFG01 structure in the usbdsc.h should be:
    1.67 + *
    1.68 + * #define CFG01 rom struct                            \
    1.69 + * {   USB_CFG_DSC             cd01;                   \
    1.70 + *     USB_INTF_DSC            i00a00;                 \
    1.71 + *     USB_EP_DSC              ep01o_i00a00;           \
    1.72 + *     USB_EP_DSC              ep01i_i00a00;           \
    1.73 + *     USB_INTF_DSC            i01a00;                 \
    1.74 + *     USB_EP_DSC              ep02i_i01a00;           \
    1.75 + * } cfg01
    1.76 + * 
    1.77 + * Note the hierarchy of the descriptors above, it follows the USB
    1.78 + * specification requirement. All endpoints belonging to an interface
    1.79 + * should be listed immediately after that interface.
    1.80 + *
    1.81 + * -------------------------------------------------------------------
    1.82 + * Filling in the descriptor values in the usbdsc.c file:
    1.83 + * -------------------------------------------------------------------
    1.84 + * Most items should be self-explanatory, however, a few will be
    1.85 + * explained for clarification.
    1.86 + *
    1.87 + * [Configuration Descriptor(USB_CFG_DSC)]
    1.88 + * The configuration attribute must always have the _DEFAULT
    1.89 + * definition at the minimum. Additional options can be ORed
    1.90 + * to the _DEFAULT attribute. Available options are _SELF and _RWU.
    1.91 + * These definitions are defined in the usbdefs_std_dsc.h file. The
    1.92 + * _SELF tells the USB host that this device is self-powered. The
    1.93 + * _RWU tells the USB host that this device supports Remote Wakeup.
    1.94 + *
    1.95 + * [Endpoint Descriptor(USB_EP_DSC)]
    1.96 + * Assume the following example:
    1.97 + * sizeof(USB_EP_DSC),DSC_EP,_EP01_OUT,_BULK,64,0x00
    1.98 + *
    1.99 + * The first two parameters are self-explanatory. They specify the
   1.100 + * length of this endpoint descriptor (7) and the descriptor type.
   1.101 + * The next parameter identifies the endpoint, the definitions are
   1.102 + * defined in usbdefs_std_dsc.h and has the following naming
   1.103 + * convention:
   1.104 + * _EP<##>_<dir>
   1.105 + * where ## is the endpoint number and dir is the direction of
   1.106 + * transfer. The dir has the value of either 'OUT' or 'IN'.
   1.107 + * The next parameter identifies the type of the endpoint. Available
   1.108 + * options are _BULK, _INT, _ISO, and _CTRL. The _CTRL is not
   1.109 + * typically used because the default control transfer endpoint is
   1.110 + * not defined in the USB descriptors. When _ISO option is used,
   1.111 + * addition options can be ORed to _ISO. Example:
   1.112 + * _ISO|_AD|_FE
   1.113 + * This describes the endpoint as an isochronous pipe with adaptive
   1.114 + * and feedback attributes. See usbdefs_std_dsc.h and the USB
   1.115 + * specification for details. The next parameter defines the size of
   1.116 + * the endpoint. The last parameter in the polling interval.
   1.117 + *
   1.118 + * -------------------------------------------------------------------
   1.119 + * Adding a USB String
   1.120 + * -------------------------------------------------------------------
   1.121 + * A string descriptor array should have the following format:
   1.122 + *
   1.123 + * rom struct{byte bLength;byte bDscType;word string[size];}sdxxx={
   1.124 + * sizeof(sdxxx),DSC_STR,<text>};
   1.125 + *
   1.126 + * The above structure provides a means for the C compiler to
   1.127 + * calculate the length of string descriptor sdxxx, where xxx is the
   1.128 + * index number. The first two bytes of the descriptor are descriptor
   1.129 + * length and type. The rest <text> are string texts which must be
   1.130 + * in the unicode format. The unicode format is achieved by declaring
   1.131 + * each character as a word type. The whole text string is declared
   1.132 + * as a word array with the number of characters equals to <size>.
   1.133 + * <size> has to be manually counted and entered into the array
   1.134 + * declaration. Let's study this through an example:
   1.135 + * if the string is "USB" , then the string descriptor should be:
   1.136 + * (Using index 02)
   1.137 + * rom struct{byte bLength;byte bDscType;word string[3];}sd002={
   1.138 + * sizeof(sd002),DSC_STR,'U','S','B'};
   1.139 + *
   1.140 + * A USB project may have multiple strings and the firmware supports
   1.141 + * the management of multiple strings through a look-up table.
   1.142 + * The look-up table is defined as:
   1.143 + * rom const unsigned char *rom USB_SD_Ptr[]={&sd000,&sd001,&sd002};
   1.144 + *
   1.145 + * The above declaration has 3 strings, sd000, sd001, and sd002.
   1.146 + * Strings can be removed or added. sd000 is a specialized string
   1.147 + * descriptor. It defines the language code, usually this is
   1.148 + * US English (0x0409). The index of the string must match the index
   1.149 + * position of the USB_SD_Ptr array, &sd000 must be in position
   1.150 + * USB_SD_Ptr[0], &sd001 must be in position USB_SD_Ptr[1] and so on.
   1.151 + * The look-up table USB_SD_Ptr is used by the get string handler
   1.152 + * function in usb9.c.
   1.153 + *
   1.154 + * -------------------------------------------------------------------
   1.155 + *
   1.156 + * The look-up table scheme also applies to the configuration
   1.157 + * descriptor. A USB device may have multiple configuration
   1.158 + * descriptors, i.e. CFG01, CFG02, etc. To add a configuration
   1.159 + * descriptor, user must implement a structure similar to CFG01.
   1.160 + * The next step is to add the configuration descriptor name, i.e.
   1.161 + * cfg01, cfg02,.., to the look-up table USB_CD_Ptr. USB_CD_Ptr[0]
   1.162 + * is a dummy place holder since configuration 0 is the un-configured
   1.163 + * state according to the definition in the USB specification.
   1.164 + *
   1.165 + ********************************************************************/
   1.166 + 
   1.167 +/*********************************************************************
   1.168 + * Descriptor specific type definitions are defined in:
   1.169 + * system\usb\usbdefs\usbdefs_std_dsc.h
   1.170 + *
   1.171 + * Configuration information is defined in:
   1.172 + * autofiles\usbcfg.h
   1.173 + ********************************************************************/
   1.174 + 
   1.175 +/** I N C L U D E S *************************************************/
   1.176 +#include "typedefs.h"
   1.177 +#include "usb.h"
   1.178 +
   1.179 +/** C O N S T A N T S ************************************************/
   1.180 +#pragma romdata
   1.181 +
   1.182 +/* Device Descriptor */
   1.183 +rom USB_DEV_DSC device_dsc=
   1.184 +{    
   1.185 +    sizeof(USB_DEV_DSC),    // Size of this descriptor in bytes
   1.186 +    DSC_DEV,                // DEVICE descriptor type
   1.187 +    0x0200,                 // USB Spec Release Number in BCD format
   1.188 +    CDC_DEVICE,             // Class Code
   1.189 +    0x00,                   // Subclass code
   1.190 +    0x00,                   // Protocol code
   1.191 +    EP0_BUFF_SIZE,          // Max packet size for EP0, see usbcfg.h
   1.192 +    0x04D8,                 // Vendor ID
   1.193 +    0x000A,                 // Product ID: CDC RS-232 Emulation Demo
   1.194 +    0x0000,                 // Device release number in BCD format
   1.195 +    0x01,                   // Manufacturer string index
   1.196 +    0x02,                   // Product string index
   1.197 +    0x00,                   // Device serial number string index
   1.198 +    0x01                    // Number of possible configurations
   1.199 +};
   1.200 +
   1.201 +/* Configuration 1 Descriptor */
   1.202 +CFG01=
   1.203 +{
   1.204 +    /* Configuration Descriptor */
   1.205 +    sizeof(USB_CFG_DSC),    // Size of this descriptor in bytes
   1.206 +    DSC_CFG,                // CONFIGURATION descriptor type
   1.207 +    sizeof(cfg01),          // Total length of data for this cfg
   1.208 +    2,                      // Number of interfaces in this cfg
   1.209 +    1,                      // Index value of this configuration
   1.210 +    0,                      // Configuration string index
   1.211 +    _DEFAULT,               // Attributes, see usbdefs_std_dsc.h
   1.212 +    50,                     // Max power consumption (2X mA)
   1.213 +    
   1.214 +    /* Interface Descriptor */
   1.215 +    sizeof(USB_INTF_DSC),   // Size of this descriptor in bytes
   1.216 +    DSC_INTF,               // INTERFACE descriptor type
   1.217 +    0,                      // Interface Number
   1.218 +    0,                      // Alternate Setting Number
   1.219 +    1,                      // Number of endpoints in this intf
   1.220 +    COMM_INTF,              // Class code
   1.221 +    ABSTRACT_CONTROL_MODEL, // Subclass code
   1.222 +    V25TER,                 // Protocol code
   1.223 +    0,                      // Interface string index
   1.224 +
   1.225 +    /* CDC Class-Specific Descriptors */
   1.226 +    sizeof(USB_CDC_HEADER_FN_DSC),CS_INTERFACE,DSC_FN_HEADER,0x0110,
   1.227 +    sizeof(USB_CDC_ACM_FN_DSC),CS_INTERFACE,DSC_FN_ACM,0x02,
   1.230 +
   1.231 +    /* Endpoint Descriptor */
   1.232 +    sizeof(USB_EP_DSC),DSC_EP,_EP02_IN,_INT,CDC_INT_EP_SIZE,0x02,
   1.233 +    
   1.234 +    /* Interface Descriptor */
   1.235 +    sizeof(USB_INTF_DSC),   // Size of this descriptor in bytes
   1.236 +    DSC_INTF,               // INTERFACE descriptor type
   1.237 +    1,                      // Interface Number
   1.238 +    0,                      // Alternate Setting Number
   1.239 +    2,                      // Number of endpoints in this intf
   1.240 +    DATA_INTF,              // Class code
   1.241 +    0,                      // Subclass code
   1.242 +    NO_PROTOCOL,            // Protocol code
   1.243 +    0,                      // Interface string index
   1.244 +    
   1.245 +    /* Endpoint Descriptors */
   1.246 +    sizeof(USB_EP_DSC),DSC_EP,_EP03_OUT,_BULK,CDC_BULK_OUT_EP_SIZE,0x00,
   1.247 +    sizeof(USB_EP_DSC),DSC_EP,_EP03_IN,_BULK,CDC_BULK_IN_EP_SIZE,0x00
   1.248 +};
   1.249 +
   1.250 +rom struct{byte bLength;byte bDscType;word string[1];}sd000={
   1.251 +sizeof(sd000),DSC_STR,0x0409};
   1.252 +
   1.253 +rom struct{byte bLength;byte bDscType;word string[25];}sd001={
   1.254 +sizeof(sd001),DSC_STR,
   1.255 +'C','a','r','s','t','e','n',' ','P','r','e','s','s','e','r'};
   1.256 +
   1.257 +rom struct{byte bLength;byte bDscType;word string[25];}sd002={
   1.258 +sizeof(sd002),DSC_STR,
   1.259 +'V','i','d','e','o',' ','v','2',' ','F','r','o','n','t','p','l','a','t','t','t','e'};
   1.260 +
   1.261 +rom const unsigned char *rom USB_CD_Ptr[]={&cfg01,&cfg01};
   1.262 +rom const unsigned char *rom USB_SD_Ptr[]={&sd000,&sd001,&sd002};
   1.263 +
   1.264 +rom pFunc ClassReqHandler[1]=
   1.265 +{
   1.266 +    &USBCheckCDCRequest
   1.267 +};
   1.268 +
   1.269 +#pragma code
   1.270 +
   1.271 +/** EOF usbdsc.c ****************************************************/