changeset 4 df6a40031aa5
equal deleted inserted replaced
3:d0e62fc47285 4:df6a40031aa5
     1 /*
     2  * GraphLCD driver library
     3  *
     4  * sed1520.c  -  SED1520 driver class
     5  *
     6  * This file is released under the GNU General Public License. Refer
     7  * to the COPYING file distributed with this package.
     8  *
     9  * (c) 2003 Andreas 'randy' Weinberger <vdr AT>
    10  */
    12 #include <syslog.h>
    13 #include <sys/time.h>
    15 #include "common.h"
    16 #include "config.h"
    17 #include "port.h"
    18 #include "sed1520.h"
    21 namespace GLCD
    22 {
    24 // commands
    25 const unsigned char kSEAD = 0x00; // Set (X) Column Address
    26 const unsigned char kSEPA = 0xb8; // Set (Y) Page Address
    27 const unsigned char kSEDS = 0xc0;  // Set Display Start Line
    28 const unsigned char kDION = 0xaf; // Display on
    29 const unsigned char kDIOF = 0xae; // Display off
    31 // control bits for DirectIO
    32 #define CE1     0x01
    33 #define CE1HI   0x01  // Chip Enable 1 on
    34 #define CE1LO   0x00  // Chip Enable 1 off
    36 const unsigned char kCS1HI = 0x00; // Chip Select 1
    37 const unsigned char kCS1LO = 0x01;
    38 const unsigned char kCS2HI = 0x04; // Chip Select 2
    39 const unsigned char kCS2LO = 0x00;
    40 const unsigned char kCDHI  = 0x08; // Command/Data Register Select
    41 const unsigned char kCDLO  = 0x00;
    42 const unsigned char kLEDHI = 0x02; // LED Backlight (not supported currently)
    43 const unsigned char kLEDLO = 0x00;
    46 cDriverSED1520::cDriverSED1520(cDriverConfig * config)
    47 :   config(config)
    48 {
    49     oldConfig = new cDriverConfig(*config);
    51     port = new cParallelPort();
    53     refreshCounter = 0;
    54 }
    56 cDriverSED1520::~cDriverSED1520()
    57 {
    58     delete port;
    59     delete oldConfig;
    60 }
    62 int cDriverSED1520::Init()
    63 {
    64     int x;
    65     int i;
    66     struct timeval tv1, tv2;
    68     if (!(config->width % 8) == 0) {
    69         width = config->width + (8 - (config->width % 8));
    70     } else {
    71         width = config->width;
    72     }
    74     if (!(config->height % 8) == 0) {
    75         height = config->height + (8 - (config->height % 8));
    76     } else {
    77         height = config->height;
    78     }
    80     if (width <= 0)
    81         width = 120;
    82     if (height <= 0)
    83         height = 32;
    85     SEAD = kSEAD;
    86     SEPA = kSEPA;
    87     SEDS = kSEDS;
    88     DION = kDION;
    89     DIOF = kDIOF;
    90     LED  = kLEDHI;
    91     CDHI = kCDHI;
    92     CDLO = kCDLO;
    93     CS1HI = kCS1HI;
    94     CS1LO = kCS1LO;
    95     CS2HI = kCS2HI;
    96     CS2LO = kCS2LO;
    98     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < config->options.size(); i++)
    99     {
   100         if (config->options[i].name == "")
   101         {
   102         }
   103     }
   105     // setup linear lcd array
   106     LCD = new unsigned char *[(width + 7) / 8];
   107     if (LCD)
   108     {
   109         for (x = 0; x < (width + 7) / 8; x++)
   110         {
   111             LCD[x] = new unsigned char[height];
   112             memset(LCD[x], 0, height);
   113         }
   114     }
   115     // setup the lcd array for the paged sed1520
   116     LCD_page = new unsigned char *[width];
   117     if (LCD_page)
   118     {
   119         for (x = 0; x < width; x++)
   120         {
   121             LCD_page[x] = new unsigned char[(height + 7) / 8];
   122             memset(LCD_page[x], 0, (height + 7) / 8);
   123         }
   124     }
   126     if (config->device == "")
   127     {
   128         // use DirectIO
   129         if (port->Open(config->port) != 0)
   130             return -1;
   131         uSleep(10);
   132     }
   133     else
   134     {
   135         // use ppdev
   136         if (port->Open(config->device.c_str()) != 0)
   137             return -1;
   138     }
   140     if (nSleepInit() != 0)
   141     {
   142         syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: INFO: cannot change wait parameters (cDriver::Init)\n", config->name.c_str());
   143         useSleepInit = false;
   144     }
   145     else
   146     {
   147         useSleepInit = true;
   148     }
   150     syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: benchmark started.\n", config->name.c_str());
   151     gettimeofday(&tv1, 0);
   152     for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
   153     {
   154         port->WriteData(i % 0x100);
   155     }
   156     gettimeofday(&tv2, 0);
   157     if (useSleepInit)
   158         nSleepDeInit();
   159     timeForPortCmdInNs = (tv2.tv_sec - tv1.tv_sec) * 1000000 + (tv2.tv_usec - tv1.tv_usec);
   160     syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: benchmark stopped. Time for Command: %ldns\n", config->name.c_str(), timeForPortCmdInNs);
   162     // initialize graphic mode
   163     InitGraphic();
   165     port->Release();
   167     *oldConfig = *config;
   169     // clear display
   170     Clear();
   172     syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s: SED1520 initialized.\n", config->name.c_str());
   173     return 0;
   174 }
   176 int cDriverSED1520::DeInit()
   177 {
   178     int x;
   180     // free linear lcd array
   181     if (LCD)
   182     {
   183         for (x = 0; x < (width + 7) / 8; x++)
   184         {
   185             delete[] LCD[x];
   186         }
   187         delete[] LCD;
   188     }
   189     // free the lcd array for the paged sed1520
   190     if (LCD_page)
   191     {
   192         for (x = 0; x < width; x++)
   193         {
   194             delete[] LCD_page[x];
   195         }
   196         delete[] LCD_page;
   197     }
   199     if (port->Close() != 0)
   200         return -1;
   201     return 0;
   202 }
   204 int cDriverSED1520::CheckSetup()
   205 {
   206     if (config->device != oldConfig->device ||
   207         config->port != oldConfig->port ||
   208         config->width != oldConfig->width ||
   209         config->height != oldConfig->height)
   210     {
   211         DeInit();
   212         Init();
   213         return 0;
   214     }
   216     if (config->upsideDown != oldConfig->upsideDown ||
   217         config->invert != oldConfig->invert)
   218     {
   219         oldConfig->upsideDown = config->upsideDown;
   220         oldConfig->invert = config->invert;
   221         return 1;
   222     }
   223     return 0;
   224 }
   226 int cDriverSED1520::InitGraphic()
   227 {
   228     // initialize controller1, set display start 0, set page 0, set y address 0, display on
   229     SED1520Cmd(SEDS, 1);
   230     SED1520Cmd(SEPA, 1);
   231     SED1520Cmd(SEAD, 1);
   232     SED1520Cmd(DION, 1);
   234     // initialize controller2, set display start 0, set page 0, set y address 0, display on
   235     SED1520Cmd(SEDS, 2);
   236     SED1520Cmd(SEPA, 2);
   237     SED1520Cmd(SEAD, 2);
   238     SED1520Cmd(DION, 2);
   240     return 0;
   241 }
   243 void cDriverSED1520::SED1520Cmd(unsigned char data, int cmdcs)
   244 {
   245     if (useSleepInit)
   246         nSleepInit();
   248     switch (cmdcs)
   249     {
   250         case 1:
   251             port->WriteControl(CDHI | CS1LO | CS2LO | LEDHI);
   252             nSleep(450 - timeForPortCmdInNs + 100 * config->adjustTiming);
   253             port->WriteData(data);
   254             nSleep(650 - timeForPortCmdInNs + 100 * config->adjustTiming);
   255             port->WriteControl(CDHI | CS1HI | CS2LO | LEDHI);
   256             nSleep(450 - timeForPortCmdInNs + 100 * config->adjustTiming);
   257             break;
   258         case 2:
   259             port->WriteControl(CDHI | CS1LO | CS2LO | LED);
   260             nSleep(450 - timeForPortCmdInNs + 100 * config->adjustTiming);
   261             port->WriteData(data);
   262             nSleep(650 - timeForPortCmdInNs + 100 * config->adjustTiming);
   263             port->WriteControl(CDHI | CS1LO | CS2HI | LED);
   264             nSleep(450 - timeForPortCmdInNs + 100 * config->adjustTiming);
   265             break;
   266     }
   267     if (useSleepInit)
   268         nSleepDeInit();
   269 }
   271 void cDriverSED1520::SED1520Data(unsigned char data, int datacs)
   272 {
   273     if (useSleepInit)
   274         nSleepInit();
   276     switch (datacs)
   277     {
   278         case 1:
   279             port->WriteControl(CDLO | CS1LO | CS2LO | LEDHI);
   280             nSleep(450 - timeForPortCmdInNs + 100 * config->adjustTiming);
   281             port->WriteData(data);
   282             nSleep(650 - timeForPortCmdInNs + 100 * config->adjustTiming);
   283             port->WriteControl(CDLO | CS1HI | CS2LO | LEDHI);
   284             nSleep(450 - timeForPortCmdInNs + 100 * config->adjustTiming);
   285             break;
   286         case 2:
   287             port->WriteControl(CDLO | CS1LO | CS2LO | LED);
   288             nSleep(450 - timeForPortCmdInNs + 100 * config->adjustTiming);
   289             port->WriteData(data);
   290             nSleep(650 - timeForPortCmdInNs + 100 * config->adjustTiming);
   291             port->WriteControl(CDLO | CS1LO | CS2HI | LED);
   292             nSleep(450 - timeForPortCmdInNs + 100 * config->adjustTiming);
   293             break;
   294     }
   295     if (useSleepInit)
   296         nSleepDeInit();
   297 }
   299 void cDriverSED1520::Clear()
   300 {
   301     for (int x = 0; x < (width + 7) / 8; x++)
   302         memset(LCD[x], 0, height);
   303 }
   305 void cDriverSED1520::Set8Pixels (int x, int y, unsigned char data)
   306 {
   307     if (x >= width || y >= height)
   308         return;
   310     if (!config->upsideDown)
   311     {
   312         // normal orientation
   313         LCD[x / 8][y] = LCD[x / 8][y] | data;
   314     }
   315     else
   316     {
   317         // upside down orientation
   318         x = width - 1 - x;
   319         y = height - 1 - y;
   320         LCD[x / 8][y] = LCD[x / 8][y] | ReverseBits(data);
   321     }
   322 }
   324 void cDriverSED1520::Refresh(bool refreshAll)
   325 {
   326     int x,y,xx,yy;
   327     unsigned char dByte, oneBlock[8];
   329     if (CheckSetup() > 0)
   330         refreshAll = true;
   332     if (config->refreshDisplay > 0)
   333     {
   334         refreshCounter = (refreshCounter + 1) % config->refreshDisplay;
   335         if (!refreshAll && !refreshCounter)
   336             refreshAll = true;
   337     }
   339     refreshAll = true; // differential update is not yet supported
   341     if (refreshAll)
   342     {
   343         // draw all
   345         // convert the linear lcd array to the paged array for the display
   346         for (y = 0; y < (height + 7) / 8; y++)
   347         {
   348             for (x = 0; x < (width + 7) / 8; x++)
   349             {
   350                 for (yy = 0; yy < 8; yy++)
   351                 {
   352                     oneBlock[yy] = LCD[x][yy + (y * 8)] ^ (config->invert ? 0xff : 0x00);
   353                 }
   354                 for (xx = 0; xx < 8; xx++)
   355                 {
   356                     dByte = 0;
   357                     for (yy = 0; yy < 8; yy++)
   358                     {
   359                         if (oneBlock[yy] & bitmask[xx])
   360                         {
   361                             dByte += (1 << yy);
   362                         }
   363                     }
   364                     LCD_page[x * 8 + xx][y] = dByte;
   365                 }
   366             }
   367         }
   369         port->Claim();
   371         // send lcd_soll data to display, controller 1
   372         // set page and start address
   373         for (y = 0; y < (height + 7) / 8; y++)
   374         {
   375             SED1520Cmd(SEAD, 1);
   376             SED1520Cmd(SEPA + y, 1);
   377             SED1520Data(0x00 ^ (config->invert ? 0xff : 0x00), 1); // fill first row with zero
   379             for (x = 0; x < width / 2 + 1; x++)
   380             {
   381                 SED1520Data(LCD_page[x][y], 1);
   382             }
   384             SED1520Cmd(SEAD, 2);
   385             SED1520Cmd(SEPA + y, 2);
   387             for (x = width / 2; x < width; x++)
   388             {
   389                 SED1520Data(LCD_page[x][y], 2);
   390             }
   392             SED1520Data(0x00 ^ (config->invert ? 0xff : 0x00), 2); // fill last row with zero
   393         }
   394         port->Release();
   395     }
   396     else
   397     {
   398         // draw only the changed bytes
   399     }
   400 }
   402 } // end of namespace